Laimu's Adventure Released!

This is really the first game I've ever released that's longer than a few minutes! 

It's not perfect and there's a few bugs (most notably when you die as something unintended happens) but I'm fairly happy with how it looks all things considered.

For those that don't have the context, this is a game I've created for my partner (Limealicious - Twitch) to play on stream for her new Vtuber model debut! It includes memes related to her and her stream community/friends so it's probably not the most accessible of games.

That being said, if you like IWBTG fangames, maybe there's something in this for you! It's a lot easier and offers far more leniency than a typical IWBTG fan game such as having a dash with a cooldown and pretty frequent checkpoints.

Let me know what you think if you just happen to stumble across it and want to give it a go!


LAv1.3.7z 120 MB
Jul 19, 2023

Get Laimu's Adventure

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